In this article, we’ll explore the concept of multi-layer caching in Spring Boot applications.

In particular, we will use a local first level cache (L1) with a shorter duration and a remote and distributed second level cache (L2) with a longer duration.

The general concept is to use a local cache first, and a second level cache if the data is not found in the first one.

The goal is to improve the application’s performance by reducing the number of round trips to remote hosts.


The first-level cache will be provided by Caffeine, a high-performance caching library.

The second-level cache will be provided by Redis, a popular in-memory data structure store.

Of course, this implementation is made to be generic and can be easily adapted to other caching libraries.

The code is available here.

Dumb (and Easy) Approach to Double Caching

With Spring Boot, we can use the @Cacheable annotation to cache the results of a method.

To implement a second-level cache, we can manually check if the data is present in the first level caffeine cache, and if not, check the second level cache.

Here is an example of a method that uses the @Cacheable annotation:

public L2CacheService {

    @Cacheable(value = "myCache", key = "#id")
    public String getFromCache(String id) {
        // This method will be cached
        return "Hello " + id;

To implement the multi-layer caching, we can use the following approach:

public L1CacheService {

    private L2CacheService l2CacheService;

    private Cache<String, String> caffeineCache = Caffeine.newBuilder()
        .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

    public String getFromCache(String id) {
        String result = caffeineCache.getIfPresent(id);
        if (result == null) {
            result = l2CacheService.getFromCache(id);
            if (result != null) {
                caffeineCache.put(id, result);
        return result;

MEH. This is not a good approach. It’s super verbose and error-prone. We have to create a new service for each cache level. We can do better.

Using Spring Cache Abstraction

By using the Spring CompositeCacheManager to combine the two caches, we can simplify the code big time:

public class CacheConfig {

    public CacheManager cacheManager() {
        CaffeineCacheManager caffeineCacheManager = new CaffeineCacheManager("myCache");

        RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager = new RedisCacheManager(redisTemplate());

        CompositeCacheManager compositeCacheManager = new CompositeCacheManager(caffeineCacheManager, redisCacheManager);

        return compositeCacheManager;

    private Caffeine<Object, Object> caffeineCacheBuilder() {
        return Caffeine.newBuilder()
            .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

    public RedisTemplate<String, String> redisTemplate() {
        RedisTemplate<String, String> redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate<>();
        redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
        redisTemplate.setValueSerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
        return redisTemplate;

    public RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {
        return new LettuceConnectionFactory();

Then we just need to simply annotate our service method with @Cacheable:

@Cacheable(value = "myCache", key = "#id")
public String getFromCache(String id) {
    return "Hello " + id;

Under the hood, the CompositeCacheManager will check the first cache, and if the data is not found, it will check the second cache. This approach is more robust and less error-prone than the previous one. But it has some limitations.

PROBLEM: If the data is not found in the first cache, the CompositeCacheManager will check the second cache, but it will not store the data in the first cache.

To ensure that both Caffeine and Redis caches are populated, we need to configure the caching logic to explicitly write to both caches. Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved purely through configuration with the CompositeCacheManager.

We will need to implement custom logic in your service methods to handle this:

public String getFromCache(String id) {
    String result = caffeineCacheManager.getCache("myCache").get(id, String.class);
    if (result == null) {
        result = redisCacheManager.getCache("myCache").get(id, String.class);
        if (result != null) {
            caffeineCacheManager.getCache("myCache").put(id, result);
    return result;

So it’s not a perfect solution because it still requires manual intervention in the service methods.

Let’s see how we can improve this.

Using a Custom CacheManager

We can implement our own, custom CacheManager to handle the double caching logic.

import org.springframework.cache.CacheManager;
import org.springframework.cache.Cache;

public class CustomCacheManager implements CacheManager {

    private CacheManager caffeineCacheManager;
    private CacheManager redisCacheManager;

    public CustomCacheManager(CacheManager caffeineCacheManager, CacheManager redisCacheManager) {
        this.caffeineCacheManager = caffeineCacheManager;
        this.redisCacheManager = redisCacheManager;

    public Cache getCache(String name) {
        Cache caffeineCache = caffeineCacheManager.getCache(name);
        Cache redisCache = redisCacheManager.getCache(name);
        return new CustomCache(caffeineCache, redisCache);

    public Collection<String> getCacheNames() {
        return caffeineCacheManager.getCacheNames();

As you can see, the Cache returned by the CustomCacheManager will be a CustomCache:

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.springframework.cache.Cache;

public record CustomCache(Cache firstLevelCache, Cache secondLevelCache) implements Cache {

    public String getName() {
        return firstLevelCache.getName();

    public Object getNativeCache() {
        return firstLevelCache.getNativeCache();

    public ValueWrapper get(Object key) {
        ValueWrapper value = firstLevelCache.get(key);
        if (value == null) {
            value = secondLevelCache.get(key);
            if (value != null) {
                firstLevelCache.put(key, value.get());
        return value;

    public <T> T get(Object key, Class<T> type) {
        T value = firstLevelCache.get(key, type);
        if (value == null) {
            value = secondLevelCache.get(key, type);
            if (value != null) {
                firstLevelCache.put(key, value);
        return value;

    public <T> T get(Object key, Callable<T> valueLoader) {
        try {
            return firstLevelCache.get(key, valueLoader);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return secondLevelCache.get(key, valueLoader);

    public void put(Object key, Object value) {
        firstLevelCache.put(key, value);
        secondLevelCache.put(key, value);

    public void evict(Object key) {

    public void clear() {

And finally, the cache configuration:

public class CacheConfig {

    public static final String CACHE_NAME = "doubleCachingCache";

    public CacheManager customCacheManager(RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory) {

        // Local Cache with Caffeine
        CaffeineCacheManager caffeineCacheManager = new CaffeineCacheManager();
                        .maximumSize(100) // Maximum items in local cache
                        .expireAfterWrite(Duration.ofMinutes(10)) // Expiration time for local cache

        // Distributed Cache with Redis
        RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager =
                                                        1))) // Expiration time for Redis cache

        // Custom Cache Manager
        return new CustomCacheManager(caffeineCacheManager, redisCacheManager);

Now we can use the @Cacheable annotation as usual:

@Cacheable(value = "anyString", key = "#id")
public String getFromCache(String id) {
    return "Hello " + id;

And the CustomCacheManager will handle the double caching logic for us.

It will first check the local cache, and if the data is not found, it will check the Redis cache. If the data is found in the Redis cache, it will be stored in the local cache. When the data is evicted from the local cache, it will also be evicted from the Redis cache.

The complete flow of operations is shown in the following Mermaid diagram:

mermaid cache


To test the double caching, let’s use TestContainers as explained in this article to start a Redis container and run the tests.

public class TestContainerConfig {

    public static final DockerImageName REDIS_IMAGE = DockerImageName.parse("redis:5.0.3-alpine");

    @ServiceConnection(name = "redis")
    public RedisContainer redisContainer() {

        final long memoryInBytes = 32L * 1024L * 1024L;
        final long memorySwapInBytes = 64L * 1024L * 1024L;

        return new RedisContainer(REDIS_IMAGE)
                        cmd -> {

    class RedisContainer extends GenericContainer<RedisContainer> {
        public RedisContainer(DockerImageName image) {

Then we can write a test to check the double caching logic:

class MultiCacheAppIntegrationTest {

    @Autowired private CustomCacheManager cacheManager;

    @Autowired private DataService dataService;

    void testMultiLayerCache() {
        String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

        // Step 1: Call the service method
        String result = dataService.getData(id);

        // Step 2: Verify the value is in Caffeine cache and in Redis cache
        CustomCache customCache = (CustomCache) cacheManager.getCache(CacheConfig.CACHE_NAME);

        CaffeineCache firstLevelCache = (CaffeineCache) customCache.firstLevelCache();

        RedisCache secondLevelCache = (RedisCache) customCache.secondLevelCache();

        // Step 3: After clearing up the Caffeine cache,
        // Verify the value is still the same
        String result2 = dataService.getData(id);

        // Step 4: Verify the value is again in both caches and in Redis cache

        // Step 5: Insert new data
        String newData = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        dataService.insertData(id, newData);

        // Step 6: Verify both caches are now evicted


Here’s a quick comparison of the approaches:

  • Dumb approach: Manually manages both caches in the service layer but is error-prone and verbose.
  • CompositeCacheManager: Simplifies management using Spring’s abstraction but lacks the flexibility to sync both caches properly.
  • Custom CacheManager: Offers full control and seamless integration of both caching layers, providing the best balance of simplicity and flexibility.

Plus: you can plug in any caching technologies you want — Redis, Hazelcast, Ehcache, etc.—to build a cache solution tailored to your needs.

For complete code examples, check out the GitHub repository 🚀

Thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. Drop me an email, send me a message on LinkedIn, or whatever you prefer. I’m always happy to hear from you.

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